TVING original series Yonder premiered on the 14th amid positive and warm responses. More than the heart-breaking love story of Shin Ha Kyun and Han Ji Min, the quotes that best express the charactersŌĆÖ emotions and beliefs drew attention. After losing his beloved wife Yi Hu, Jae Hyun faced countless moments of confusion and doubt ŌĆō from the message sent by his dead wife to the unfamiliar space called ŌĆ£YonderŌĆØ that she invited him to. After reuniting with Yi Hu, he refuses her existence, but after meeting Doctor K and his followers, he starts to change. Recalling the memory he has of her, he confesses, ŌĆ£You, who should be in my memory, are here now. Then are you in my memory now? Or am I in your memory?ŌĆØ This question, which reflects on his tangled thoughts, confuses the viewers as well. Worrying about her husband whoŌĆÖll be left alone, Yi Hu chose ŌĆ£Yonder.ŌĆØ Jae Hyun denies everything in their first reunion, but the second time they meet, Yi Hu holds out the necklace that she lost when she was alive. ŌĆ£If you canŌĆÖt forget about what youŌĆÖve lost, then itŌĆÖs not losing. But if you forget about something, then that means you wanted to throw it away in the first place,ŌĆØ she says. ŌĆ£If you canŌĆÖt forget about something even after you threw everything away, then that means thatŌĆÖs the one thing you didnŌĆÖt want to lose.ŌĆØ After his wifeŌĆÖs death, Jae Hyun finds out that she signed a contract with some place that heŌĆÖs never even heard about. Siren leads confused and doubtful Jae Hyun to ŌĆ£Yonder.ŌĆØ The question she asks him, ŌĆ£Do you believe in what you see or what you think?ŌĆØ convinces him to take a step into the unknown world. SirenŌĆÖs quotes in the drama make not just Jae Hyun but also the viewers think about what life is, leaving a deep aftertaste. Doctor K is the one who created the virtual paradise called ŌĆ£YonderŌĆØ with the belief that science can break the barrier of death. More than anything, the sight of him explaining the world heŌĆÖd created on the screen thatŌĆÖs located somewhere between reality and ŌĆ£YonderŌĆØ drew attention. ŌĆ£Death is no longer a moment to be feared. Because now, people can dream of life after death,ŌĆØ he says. Source: TVING

4 Quotes that Best Describe the Characters in  Yonder  - 424 Quotes that Best Describe the Characters in  Yonder  - 42