Ahn Young Mi donated 10 million Won (approximately 9k USD) to the Korea-Broadcasting Comedy Association on the last day of the holiday (14th). ŌĆ£I hope I can help senior and junior comedians who are struggling as all programs and events have died down due to the COVID-19 situation,ŌĆØ she said. Comedians have been going through a particularly difficult time as they have been cut off from jobs along with various events and fairs which have been canceled due to the prolonged pandemic. As even Gag Concert closed its curtains last year, comedians are experiencing a vicious cycle. ŌĆ£Apart from those who have turned into popular entertainers, most members of the association are worrying about their livelihood. Therefore, everyone seems to be encouraged by this warm act of their fellow colleagues Kim Gu Ra and Ahn Young Mi,ŌĆØ said the Chairman of the association, Uhm Young Soo. Ahn Young MiŌĆÖs donation for her fellow comedians is the second time after Kim Gu RaŌĆÖs last December. The TV personality also donated 10 million Won to the Comedian Association, saying that he hopes it will be spent on colleagues who are financially struggling due to COVID-19. The association announced, ŌĆ£Comedian Ahn Young Mi has donated to us with love, for the running of the Comedian Association and to overcome the COVID-19 situation. Please support and encourage the good deed made by our colleague. As soon as regulations on gathering are eased, the association will properly express our gratitude.ŌĆØ Source (1)

Ahn Young Mi Joins the    Donation Relay of Love    with 10 Million Won - 9Ahn Young Mi Joins the    Donation Relay of Love    with 10 Million Won - 64Ahn Young Mi Joins the    Donation Relay of Love    with 10 Million Won - 38