On the morning of the 27th, Newsen reported that the writer, who claimed himself to be the victim of Jo Byung GyuŌĆÖs bullying, submitted an official apology to the police that the post he wrote was false. JoŌĆÖs agency BH Entertainment immediately released an official statement regarding the issue. BH Entertainment stated, ŌĆ£Our company has taken legal action against the writers who spread the groundless rumors about Jo Byung Gyu. The accused admitted that the post he wrote on the internet was false during the police investigation. He has recently sent an official apology letter.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£Jo Byung Gyu submitted statements and testimonies from teachers and many alumni who closely watched his school days to the police,ŌĆØ they added. ŌĆ£The police had identified the anonymous writer holding foreign nationality. The legal procedures will be carried out as soon as he enters the country.ŌĆØ BH Entertainment then stressed, ŌĆ£We will continue to actively respond to the posts that spread groundless rumors and make malicious comments.ŌĆØ This is the second time that the actor has received an apology from the alleged victims. In February, Jo received a similar apology from the writer who first sparked the school violence scandal. ┬Ā Source (1, 2)