Park Ji Hoon plays Yeo Joon, a freshman at Myung Il University. HeŌĆÖs beloved by business management majors at the school. HeŌĆÖs got great looks, a nice personality, a rich family. Although he seems perfect on the outside, heŌĆÖll gradually reveal his pain and have complicated relationships with the people on campus. In the teaser poster, Park Ji Hoon gives off a mysterious vibe. Bright sunlight, the blue sky, and trees embody beautiful, radiant youth. But Yeo JoonŌĆÖs face, which doesnŌĆÖt look all happy, indicates something more serious might happen on the show. Many people look forward to finding out whatŌĆÖs behind their youths, which look warm and beautiful like spring sunlight and watch their story about real university students. Ā ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Na Young Gil: ZAPZEE is the best Korean pop culture community, and IŌĆÖm happy to be part of it.

 At a Distance Spring is Green  Revealed the Teaser Poster - 35