According to Dispatch, A filed a complaint against Hyeme on October 26. His claim is that she ŌĆ£swindledŌĆØ 50 million KRW (about 44,877 USD) from him, saying that she needed it for her ŌĆ£career.ŌĆØ A first got to know Hyeme through Instagram back in December 2018. Soon, their friendship led to offline meetings and grew pretty close, enough for her to ask him for money. However, everything started to go south from April 2019. Saying that her family is currently facing financial troubles, she asked him to lend her 5 million KRW (about 4490 USD). However, when he showed ŌĆ£discomfort,ŌĆØ Hyeme wrote him a text, saying, ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs not that I didnŌĆÖt see you as my ATM, but I feel really uncomfortable asking others for money. But I feel comfortable around you, so thatŌĆÖs whyŌĆ”ŌĆØ Eventually, A sent 5 million KRW to HyemeŌĆÖs motherŌĆÖs bank account. This is what A said, ŌĆ£At first, I refused. But she begged that she would repay me once she is successful (as an idol) and that she would never forget his kindness.ŌĆØ Her ŌĆ£fraudŌĆØ doesnŌĆÖt stop there. Hyeme used to live in a dorm with her members. However, maybe she didnŌĆÖt really like the group life, so she asked A to help her so that ŌĆ£she could solely focus on her music.ŌĆØ On June 26, 2019, A prepared an officetel (Korean version of studio room) for Hyeme. He helped her with a deposit of 20 million KRW (about 17,953 USD) and paid her monthly rent, which was about 900,000 KRW (about 808 USD). A even supported HyemeŌĆÖs living expenses. From May last year to May this year, he transferred about 18 million KRW (about 16,160 USD) to her account. On top of that, he even made her a credit card for her to use in ŌĆ£emergency only.ŌĆØ With this card, she squandered 12.8 million KRW (about 11,493 USD) in five months. About their relationship, A said, ŌĆ£We were never lovers. We never even slept together. Yes, we met often, and we got close. But I really wanted her to see success as a singer. I also felt bad that she couldnŌĆÖt focus on music because of her financial issues.ŌĆØ But it turned out that most of the money that A lent Hyeme was used for her ŌĆ£entertainment expenses.ŌĆØ The room that he prepared for her was used as a secret place for her to meet guys. Thinking that he had it enough, A told Hyeme to pay back the first 5 million KRW she borrowed in March this year. And this is what she wrote to him. ŌĆ£You were so nice to me that I thought it was okay. ItŌĆÖs true that I learned and trusted you. I was thoughtless. I will repay you.ŌĆØ And five months have passed. A took a leave of absence from his job. Hyeme has changed her number and is hiding from A. Dispatch asked Black SwanŌĆÖs agency about the incident on November 5. They said, ŌĆ£She did borrow 5 million KRW. But we will have to find out more (about the rest).ŌĆØ And they still havenŌĆÖt given a proper answer. Source (1)

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