On the 18th, the artist started a channel named ŌĆśROS├ēŌĆÖ and uploaded an interview film. In it, her childhood video was seen as she walked around the snow sled park and danced to the music. The free, active, and cheery kid in the clip warmed viewersŌĆÖ hearts with her smile. Ros├® recalled why she was named Roseanne, her childhood home, and fond memories of taking naps. ŌĆ£I would play the piano when I woke up. That was really fun. I think that was when I developed a lot of love for music,ŌĆØ she explained. The singer further confessed, ŌĆ£there was a time when I was worried about what it meant to be good at music. At some point, I didnŌĆÖt enjoy even listening to music.ŌĆØ She then said how important it felt for her to talk about her experiences in life through music, and that music has been her source of comfort lately. Ros├® then stated her new dream as an artist. ŌĆ£I used to want to be like Beyonce and Michael Jackson when I was young. (But) these days I try to be a happy singer who never falters.ŌĆØ The rather honest interview film recounts what is currently most important in her life as it is related and empathized by many. It also touches on the message of her new solo single ŌĆ£On The Ground.ŌĆØ As a new solo artist in the K-Pop scene, Ros├® is expected to set new records and history and hopefully, her newly opened YouTube channel will be of good use. ┬Ā Source (1)