On the 27th, Park Hyo Shin and V took part in MBCŌĆÖs radio show Kim EanaŌĆÖs Starry Night as special DJs. Saying that he first intended to invite V as a guest, Park Hyo Shin opened up, ŌĆ£When I was asked whom I want to host the show as a DJ for a week, V was the first to come to mind. I thought he might be too busy, but he so gladly joined me.ŌĆØ V replied, ŌĆ£I wanted to do it so bad that I once called Kim Eana. And while talking, she mentioned that Park Hyo Shin was going to host the show for a week, so I told her, ŌĆśIŌĆÖm gonna hang up nowŌĆÖ and called Park Hyo Shin right away to let me join him.ŌĆØ The two continued to show off their friendship. ŌĆ£When I was sick, Park Hyo Shin stopped by my house with meds even when I didnŌĆÖt ask him to. He gave me the meds and we listened to ŌĆśDonŌĆÖt be sickŌĆÖ together before he went home. I got better right away.ŌĆØ When talking about ŌĆ£the song that you listen to after having a hard day,ŌĆØ V chose Billy JoelŌĆÖs ŌĆ£Vienna.ŌĆØ He explained, ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs such a famous song, but I received so much comfort from it. ThatŌĆÖs why I wanted to recommend this to Park Hyo Shin.ŌĆØ The next question was, ŌĆ£Was there anything that distressed you recently?ŌĆØ Mentioning the upcoming Busan concert, V shared, ŌĆ£To be honest, itŌĆÖs been months since BTS had a concert. Now that IŌĆÖve taken some rest, my stamina is not as it used to be.ŌĆØ He added, ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs a bit tough to get pumped up again, but itŌĆÖs fun in a way.ŌĆØ Besides getting ready for the concert, BTS is concentrating on getting a good rest. V commented, ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs a bit dull. No oneŌĆÖs waking me up in the morning and I can sleep as much as I want, but IŌĆÖm bored.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, BTS will host ŌĆ£BTS in BUSANŌĆØ to promote the bid for the 2030 Busan World Expo. Source (1)

BTS  V Shows Off His Friendship with Park Hyo Shin and Talks About What s Distressed Him Recently - 32BTS  V Shows Off His Friendship with Park Hyo Shin and Talks About What s Distressed Him Recently - 20