In an interview, the actor talked about the first impression he got of the movie. ŌĆ£As soon as I read the script, I wanted to do it,ŌĆØ he shared. ŌĆ£The script was extraordinary. I even wondered if it was even possible to shoot this in Korea. But I thought I had to go for it. Whatever the result comes out to be, I thought I had to show that Korea can make this kind of action movie. If we could show what was in the script, that was more than enough.ŌĆØ Carter topped NetflixŌĆÖs non-English film category. Joo Won said, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm happier than ever that people are showing interest in what weŌĆÖve worked so hard on. Whether they liked it or not, IŌĆÖm just grateful that there are many people who are interested in my work.ŌĆØ Working with Director Jung Byung Gil, Joo Won pulled off various action scenes. ŌĆ£I was a bit disappointed at first because they all talked about how tough it mustŌĆÖve been for me,ŌĆØ the actor mentioned. ŌĆ£(laughs) I heard that more than about how they liked the movie, but IŌĆÖm grateful that theyŌĆÖre acknowledging all the effort IŌĆÖve put in.ŌĆØ He then showed his confidence in the action scene. ŌĆ£But I wanted to clear something up. I hope they didnŌĆÖt see (some scenes) as computer graphics since they arenŌĆÖt. IŌĆÖve actually performed the sequences myself, but people just assumed that they were computer graphics,ŌĆØ he explained. In the opening sequence, Joo Won fought off dozens of naken people in just his underwear. ŌĆ£Actually, that scene wasnŌĆÖt supposed to be shot in underwear (a manŌĆÖs thong),ŌĆØ he shared. ŌĆ£The director probably was thinking something different. But I shot the scene wearing it, and I was wondering what he mightŌĆÖve been thinking, but we thought that itŌĆÖd leave an impact.ŌĆØ Of all the action scenes in the movie, not one scene was predictable. The actor said that he filmed every day, wondering how heŌĆÖd be filming the helicopter scene or the motorcycle explosion scene. He even got the motorcycle license to shoot the bike scene, but the sequence was so difficult that he needed a stunt. When asked if he wanted to become the Korean Tom Cruise, he answered, ŌĆ£Yes, I do.ŌĆØ Above all, he showed infinite faith in Director Jung, who is well-versed in shooting action movies. This year marks his 16th debut anniversary. He commented, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖve always tried to try doing not-so-easy characters. IŌĆÖve been acting with the thought that an actor should always take on new challenges. IŌĆÖm very satisfied that I can keep that belief.ŌĆØ Source (1, 2)

 Carter  Joo Won Says He Didn t Need a Stunt Man for His Action Scenes - 70 Carter  Joo Won Says He Didn t Need a Stunt Man for His Action Scenes - 39