On Sept. 21, the singer left a short message to his fans on his Instagram, stating that he will no longer accept gifts from his fans. ŌĆ£Hello, everyone, this is Jung Yong Hwa. IŌĆÖve received a lot of presents from you while promoting. Thank you so much for your great love! But from now on, I want to receive the gift from your hearts rather than material gifts. I wish you use those gifts for yourselves rather than for me. Please cheer me on with a louder voice rather than giving me gifts. Then IŌĆÖll repay you even more in return. Thank you, everyone. Please stay healthy!!!ŌĆØ https://www.instagram.com/p/CFZJjtvABfX/ A similar statement was posted on Jung Yong HwaŌĆÖs official website. According to it, gifts arriving at the FNC Entertainment by 11:59 PM on Oct. 18 KST, will be delivered to Jung Yong Hwa. After that, other gifts, excluding fan letters and donation certificates, will be returned to the sender or discarded without notice. Source (1)

CNBLUE s Jung Yong Hwa Will No Longer Accept Gifts from His Fans - 69