The released poster shows three characters ŌĆō Seo Hee Soo (Han Ji Hyo), Jung Si Ho (Doyoung), and Park Se Jin (Kwon Ah Reum). The relationships and emotions of these characters, who either became best friends since high school or became drinking buddies or work friends, were revealed, raising expectations for the coming episodes. In the first three episodes, Hee Soo got her hands on the special lyrics notebook and began her first heart-fluttering romance. Si Ho found out about Hee SooŌĆÖs secret about the lyrics notebook and, at the same time, started seeing her as more than friends. Also, Se Jin approached Si Ho, honestly expressing her feelings for him. Moreover, attention is drawn to whatŌĆÖll happen to Hee Soo, who started her one-month romance with Park Jun Young (Kim Ji Hoon), a boy she met at the library, Meanwhile, Dear X Who DoesnŌĆÖt Love Me will release episodes 4 to 6 on the 21st exclusively on TVING.

Source: TVING ┬Ā