Q1. How do you feel about the release? IŌĆÖm so happy and excited, but IŌĆÖm so sorry about the current situation (COVID-19). Still, I hope watching Deliver Us From Evil will give the audience a time to relieve their frustrations. ┬Ā Q2. In the opening sequence, you showed the desire to leave the assassin world, and at the same time, presented exhaustion. What was the main focus of your acting? First of all, the question ŌĆ£why did this man become an assassinŌĆØ was the biggest concern. How much of a big burden does this man hold, why did he choose the wrong path of being an assassin, and how he was destroyed from the inside and became impoverished by doing the jobs were the important points. I prepared the character so that the audience can understand that ŌĆ£Kim In Nam is not proud of having such a job, and is suffering a lot.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Q3. Why did you choose an action film after a long time? When I first got the script, it was easy and funt oread. I had the desire to work on the movie that the audience can easily watch and enjoy. Rather than a movie that makes you think a lot and makes you feel heavy, I wanted to present the audience a movie that they can enjoy the pleasure from the action scenes and relieve their stress. Q4. The confrontation with Lee Jug Jae, who youŌĆÖve met once again after the New World, is overwhelming. There were many scenes were violent actions were required, so we half-jokingly said, ŌĆ£DonŌĆÖt get hurt and if you have any problems, letŌĆÖs stop before we start.ŌĆØ IŌĆÖve worked with Lee Jung Jae in New World and stayed close since then, so we are good together either on and off the filming sites. ┬Ā Q5. How was working with Park Jung Min? I think the role Yoo Yi, played by Park Jung Min, is the best character that invigorates this movie. HeŌĆÖs such an amazing actor and also has a great sense. So thereŌĆÖs an infinite trust. And as his senior, I really want to compliment him on a job well done. ┬Ā Q6. Your movie is one fo the BIG3 Korean movies this summer. What are your thoughts? COVID-19 is making it difficult for the movie industry and society as a whole. In this situation, I hope that all films, including our film, will do well and help both the audience and the film industry. If we follow the rules of personal prevention rules thoroughly and create a mature and safe theater culture, the day when we can all enjoy and get excited about the movies will come. Source: CJ Entertainment

   Deliver Us From Evil    Hwang Jung Min Says He Wanted to Make a Movie that Audience Could Enjoy - 86   Deliver Us From Evil    Hwang Jung Min Says He Wanted to Make a Movie that Audience Could Enjoy - 25