On the 17th, Netflix released the new Korean-style death game drama Squid Game. The series depicts a story of people who became the players of a mysterious survival game with a whopping 40-million-dollar (45.6 billion KRW) prize at stake. Even before the premiere, Squid Game gained much anticipation by foretelling a stimulating story and setting. And such expectations were not limited to Korea. The day after the release, the show ranked 4th on TOP TV Shows on Netflix, according to FlixPatrol. Then on the 19th, Squid Game rose one rank to 3rd place. The two shows ranked ahead of it are Sex Education and Lucifer. However, many are showing disappointment over the series. Their opinion is that the ŌĆ£luck-basedŌĆØ story is somewhat boring, contrary to expectations. Will Squid Game continue to capture the hearts of fans around the world despite the criticisms? ┬Ā Source (1)

Despite the Mixed Reviews     Squid Game    Ranked 3rd on Top TV Shows on Netflix - 35Despite the Mixed Reviews     Squid Game    Ranked 3rd on Top TV Shows on Netflix - 44