Initially, A claimed that actor K (Kim Seon Ho) tricked her into thinking that he would marry her and even encouraged her to get an abortion. Kim Seon Ho admitted most of her claims and apologized, and A accepted his apology. And like that, it seemed like the scandal had come to an end. However, Dispatch is arguing that most of AÔÇÖs revelations are false. Earlier, the media outlet revealed AÔÇÖs real name and occupation as a social media influencer who once was a weather girl.

Today, Dispatch released text messages A and Kim Seon Ho exchanged. On July 24th, 2020, A told Kim about her pregnancy. To which, the actor replied, ÔÇťIÔÇÖm sorry I couldnÔÇÖt be with you,ÔÇŁ ÔÇťLetÔÇÖs think about it wisely,ÔÇŁ ÔÇťAt least, letÔÇÖs tell my parents,ÔÇŁ ÔÇťIÔÇÖll take responsibility no matter what happens,ÔÇŁ and ÔÇťDonÔÇÖt worry. Go home and rest.ÔÇŁ He also expressed his intention to marry A. Kim jokingly texted her, ÔÇťYou have no other choice,ÔÇŁ and A replied, ÔÇťMy heart just fluttered.ÔÇŁ This is far from encouraging her to get an abortion. These are some of the texts Kim wrote to A: ÔÇťI love you, and as long as we have the same thought, IÔÇÖm happy.ÔÇŁ ÔÇťBut IÔÇÖm worried that you canÔÇÖt have any more kids. If you get an abortion, thatÔÇÖs what worries me.ÔÇŁ ÔÇťI want to bless the baby, but IÔÇÖm sad that I canÔÇÖt,ÔÇŁ ÔÇťLetÔÇÖs discuss and make a decision and overcome it. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you in all my life.ÔÇŁ In her revelation, A wrote, ÔÇťHe told me that if he has a child now, heÔÇÖll have to pay 900 million KRW (about $764,850) in damages and that he didnÔÇÖt have that kind of money at the moment. He coerced me into getting an abortion by asking what IÔÇÖd do if he canÔÇÖt act anymore because of the baby and if that forces his parents out of their home.ÔÇŁ However, according to DispatchÔÇÖs report, this is what Kim texted A. ÔÇťI didnÔÇÖt mention this because IÔÇÖd seem like a big mouth. But I signed a contract for a movie, so the financial problem of canceling that comes to mind. ItÔÇÖs pathetic.ÔÇŁ A replied to him, ÔÇťNo, you have to do it.ÔÇŁ The actor then wrote, ÔÇťBut I think it wonÔÇÖt matter. ThatÔÇÖs the only thing that bothers me. My parents will be shocked, but they will understand.ÔÇŁ Kim Seon Ho also talked about his love for acting. ÔÇťIf I have to quit acting, that would be very hard, honestly. IÔÇÖm just saying if I look at it objectively. I love you a lot, but I love acting just as much, so it would be upsetting. IÔÇÖm just saying letÔÇÖs decide carefully so we wonÔÇÖt have regrets.ÔÇŁ And A comforted him. Dispatch also revealed the texts the two exchanged when they broke up, which they claim was caused by AÔÇÖs repeated lies. A couldnÔÇÖt accept Kim Seon HoÔÇÖs decision to break up. AÔÇÖs acquaintance told Dispatch, ÔÇťShe said she would wait until the end of early morning worship. And if he doesnÔÇÖt return, she said she wouldnÔÇÖt just let it goÔÇŽ She said she couldnÔÇÖt forgive seeing him on TV. She said sheÔÇÖd rather destroy him. But meanwhile, she kept seeing other guys around her.ÔÇŁ Regarding the additional release of their dialogue, the actorÔÇÖs agency SALT Entertainment took a cautious stance just like the first time, saying theyÔÇÖve got nothing to say. ┬á Source (1, 2)

Dispatch Releases Additional Conversations Exchanged Between Kim Seon Ho and His Ex - 6Dispatch Releases Additional Conversations Exchanged Between Kim Seon Ho and His Ex - 43