Do You Like Brahms? is a drama about the dreams and love of classical music students who struggle between talent and reality to find their own happiness, and is worlds apart from Hot Stove League, which revolves around professional baseball. However, Park Eun Bin ideally took on the role of Chae Song Ah, a wiry 29-year-old violin major, that itŌĆÖs impossible to recall her previous role as Lee Se Young. In an interview with Sports Chosun, Park expressed her feelings about playing Chae Song Ah. ŌĆ£If Lee Se Young and Chae Song Ah showed similar characteristics, then I would have pondered a lot, but because they were so different, my decision came easy. My own personality resembles Song Ah a lot. (Playing Song Ah) felt like putting on comfortable clothes.ŌĆØ She has put in a lot of effort in her expressing the characterŌĆÖs emotions. ŌĆ£Not only were there scenes where I had to pour out my emotions through lines, but there were also scenes where I had to pour them out through silence. I tried to focus on that. I thought that I had to vividly deliver the emotions that Song Ah felt in order for viewers to get immersed in the play, so I did my best to express (these emotions) well.ŌĆØ Her violin skills also drew keen attention. ŌĆ£I personally played the violin scene in episode 15. I did learn how to play the violin for a while before, but I forgot everything, including the fingering, so in all, I had to start from the sketch. The sound got better and better, so even after giving back the violin I used for the filming, I took out my own violin at home after six months.ŌĆØ Her chemistry with Kim Min Jae was the hottest topic among drama fans. ŌĆ£When I first met him, I thought he had a solid basis. He has a good voice and many talents. All the thoughtful considerations that Park Joon Young had in the drama, Min Jae himself also had them. This gentleness he shows perfectly matched the character of Park Joon Young.ŌĆØ Park Eun Bin met Chae Song Ah, who is the same age as her. ŌĆ£IŌĆÖve worked on a lot of projects, but I canŌĆÖt think of a single role that had the same age as me. Filming this drama, I thought to myself, ŌĆśWhat would I have done if I didnŌĆÖt play this role?ŌĆÖ Experiencing the life of 29-year-old Song Ah was like a gift for me. Chae Song Ah is the kind of person who is determined to continually worry and ponder over what she is good at and what she wants to do, and to walk on her own feet while searching for her own happiness. I sympathized with her in how she seeks for the value of happiness.ŌĆØ Park Eun Bin said goodbye to the viewers, saying, ŌĆ£I hope it will be a drama that you want to watch again when it rains or smells like autumn.ŌĆØ Source (1, 2)

 Do You Like Brahms   Park Eun Bin Says She Felt a Sense of Kinship with Chae Song Ah - 8 Do You Like Brahms   Park Eun Bin Says She Felt a Sense of Kinship with Chae Song Ah - 96 Do You Like Brahms   Park Eun Bin Says She Felt a Sense of Kinship with Chae Song Ah - 38