Kris soon refuted all claims and sued Du for blackmailing. However, according to an announcement by the Chinese police, Du and Kris met for the first time on December 5th, last year, and they had sex on that day. Then on December 8th, Kris sent 32,000 yuan (about $4,950) to Du, and the two kept in touch until April. However, the one who blackmailed Kris turned out to be a male, not Du. Afterwards, the police issued a statement on the night of July 31st. They stated, ŌĆ£We have investigated the allegation that Kris had sexually lured a young woman several times.ŌĆØ Yet, they didnŌĆÖt disclose any further details. Currently, Kris and his agencyŌĆÖs Weibo accounts have been deleted. Accounts of celebrities who made statements in support of Kris and KrisŌĆÖs fan community have also been deleted or banned. According to it, Weibo shared, ŌĆ£After the police reported the news about Kris, interest over the issue has skyrocketed. We focused on maintaining order on the site and immediately checked and managed relevant information.ŌĆØ Even the advertising industry has also turned its back on the artist. More than five companies have terminated the contract with Kris. Now, the attention focuses on what punishment Kris will face once the rape charge is proven to be true. ChinaŌĆÖs Supreme PeopleŌĆÖs Court has imposed severe sentences, including the death penalty, for raping minors. In fact, in one case, an elementary school teacher who raped nine minors was sentenced to death. Meanwhile, Kris first shot to fame as a member of the K-pop group EXO in 2012. Two years later, he filed a lawsuit against the agency. Since then, he has launched a successful solo career as a singer, actor, model, and talent show judge. ┬Ā Source (1)