The series features six childhood playground games we all played in alleys of our neighborhood. Director Hwang Dong Hyuk said, ŌĆ£This project was originally planned in 2008. I thought it would be fun to make a series about survival games with a sprinkle of Korean characteristics.ŌĆØ explaining why he chose those games to be played in Squid Game.
The production team created the enormous film set based on director Hwang Dong HyukŌĆÖs imagination to bring the idea of Squid Game to life. The set has been elaborately created with different concepts. For instance, the robot in the Red Light, Green Light studio was made based on the illustrations of Cheol Soo and Young Hee from textbooks in the 1980s. Plus, the set that art director Chae Kyung Sun has put the most effort in, the marble playground, is a place where life and death and falsehood and truth coexist. Since director Hwang Dong HyukŌĆÖs purpose was ŌĆ£to stimulate the atmosphere of real playgrounds,ŌĆØ the actors revealed that they felt nervous and overwhelmed on the set, as if they were playing real games, whenever they moved to a new room to play a new game. The actors were amazed by this beautiful set and lavished praises on the production team. Lee Jung Jae mentioned, ŌĆ£The set was almost dreamlike. We were busy taking pictures on the first day.ŌĆØ Jeong Ho Yeon stated, ŌĆ£Being in the scene was very fantastic.ŌĆØ Lastly, Park Hae Soo remarked, ŌĆ£It was far beyond my imagination.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source: Netflix Translator Jung Munjeong: IŌĆÖll provide you with the latest articles on K-Drama, K-Pop and K-Movie as quickly as I can.