On the 1st, JYP Entertainment released the following statement. ŌĆ£Hello, this is JYP Entertainment. First of all, we would like to express our sincere apologies for causing concern with the sudden news to My Day, who has been giving me a lot of support for DAY6. Jae, who has been with DAY6 until now, has left the team and terminated his exclusive contract on December 31th, 2021, due to personal issues. We had an in-depth conversation with Jae himself for a long time, and we decided to respect the artistŌĆÖs opinion and conclude our exclusive contract. Although our relationship with Jae has ended, JYP Entertainment will also cheer on JaeŌĆÖs future activities with his new start. We promise to continue full support and efforts for DAY6ŌĆÖs promotion. And we ask for continuous love and support from My Day. Thank you.ŌĆØ Earlier in the day, Jae had tweeted, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖve had a lot of thoughts and put in a lot of work, but I am still lacking in too many areas for me to stay where I am now. After discussions with the agency, I am sorry to tell you that I have decided to take a break from DAY6 activities for now.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1)