Broker was the first movie that acted as both an actor and a producer. ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs been about seven years since the production (for Broker) has started, and IŌĆÖve been actively taking part in it since last year, and itŌĆÖs finally bearing fruit now,ŌĆØ the actor shared. ŌĆ£Broker was my first project (as a producer), and the results itŌĆÖs getting are not bad, so itŌĆÖs really rewarding. IŌĆÖll continue to work hard as both an actor and a producer.ŌĆØ DoesnŌĆÖt being a producer make him want to maybe try being a director? ŌĆ£ThereŌĆÖs so much stress I get from just being an actor, so I donŌĆÖt have the confidence in becoming a director,ŌĆØ he replied. ŌĆ£If you direct a movie, you need to pay all your attention to it for two to three years, but I still have so much I want to do as an actor. But being a producer lets you work on various projects at once. Sometimes, I pity the directors, seeing how tough directing is.ŌĆØ When talking about his filmography, Jeon Woochi canŌĆÖt be left out. ŌĆ£I was still a rookie when I was filming Jeon Woochi, so there was stress and pressure in leading a blockbuster,ŌĆØ he commented. ŌĆ£Jeon Woochi was released with Avatar, so it was a bit disappointing. But IŌĆÖd love to make Jeon Woochi 2.ŌĆØ He then jokingly added, ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖd be weird if Jeon Woochi looks too old. I hope I can make the sequel as soon as possible.ŌĆØ Source (1)