Based on the web novel of the same name, Caf├® Minamdang is a comedy-mystery series that revolves around a once-profiler Nam Han Joon, who has turned into a shaman. Seo In Guk will star as Nam Han Joon who has extraordinary ability in reading fortunes and a silver tongue. The newly released stills feature the actor showcasing various fashionable outfits, raising anticipation about the new role he will play. Meanwhile, his sharp gaze hints at his past career as a criminal profiler. Viewers are left wondering how the comedy-mystery drama pans out as the star portrays both a profiler with sharp analytical skills and a sly shaman. The production team commented, ŌĆ£Seo In Guk is pulling off the charming character of Nam Han Joon, while greatly immersing into his character and showing amazing chemistry with other cast members. Please look forward to Nam Han JoonŌĆÖs story that will deliver hearty laughter and build great tension against the unique backdrop of a fortune tellerŌĆÖs shop.ŌĆØ KBS2ŌĆÖs Caf├® Minamdang Āwill premiere in ĀJune following the conclusion of Bloody Heart. Source (1)

KBS     Caf   Minamdang    Drops Stunning New Stills of Seo In Guk - 94KBS     Caf   Minamdang    Drops Stunning New Stills of Seo In Guk - 45