According to a KBS report, a chef collapsed after falling consciousness at a Japanese restaurant in Jeju Island on August 24. At this time, a man ran to check the chefŌĆÖs condition and gave first aid like giving massages until the ambulance arrived. According to restaurant officials, the man was Kim Hyun Joong. After having a meal with his friends at the restaurant, Kim Hyun Joong was waiting for a chauffeur service outside when he heard the restaurant employeesŌĆÖ screams and went back in for first aid. Kim Hyun JoongŌĆÖs label told a media outlet that ŌĆ£he only did what was obvious.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, Kim Hyun Joong is currently preparing for his upcoming online concert, held on October 3. Source (1)

Kim Hyun Joong Gave First Aid and Saved the Unconscious Chef - 22