In the latest episode of KBS JOYŌĆÖs Ask Us Anything Fortune Teller, which aired on Dec 28, Kim Hyun Joong made a surprise appearance in the trailer. Surprised by the unexpected appearance, Lee Soo Geun asks Kim Hyun Joong, ŌĆ£There must have been better shows (for you to appear), but what concerns led you here?ŌĆØ In this short trailer, Kim Hyun Joong shares, ŌĆ£I am a bright person, but IŌĆÖm getting less and less bright. PeopleŌĆÖs criticism and swordlike gazes make me reproach myself.ŌĆØ Lee Soo Geun was later seen saying, ŌĆ£Hyun Joong was indeed on a break for a long time. No fun at all,ŌĆØ drawing keen attention. Regarding Kim Hyun JoongŌĆÖs comeback, his label Henecia cautiously commented, ŌĆ£We are not reviewing any dramas or shows. We are being cautious about his comeback. ThereŌĆÖs nothing we can tell you for sure at this point.ŌĆØ Source (1, 2)

Kim Hyun Joong to Guest Appear on  Ask Us Anything Fortune Teller    People s criticisms make me reproach myself  - 13