In the latest episode of Running Man, members kicked off a new special with a ŌĆ£business meetingŌĆØ at the Han River. On this day, the cast played a game in which they had to either ŌĆ£acknowledgeŌĆØ or ŌĆ£not acknowledgeŌĆØ the difficult-to-admit questions reported by the viewers. Questions were poured out about Kim Jong Kook and Song Ji HyoŌĆÖs love line. To one of the questions, which read, ŌĆ£I find Song Ji Hyo incredibly cute,ŌĆØ the singer answered, ŌĆ£Yes. SheŌĆÖs cute. She also acts cute. I was really surprised when she danced to ŌĆśRollin.ŌĆÖ I think her character has gotten cuter recently.ŌĆØ Later, Song Ji Hyo got the question, ŌĆ£My dream guy is Kim Jong Kook, and I have my heart fluttered by him.ŌĆØ The actress caught the attention when she answered yes. She explained, ŌĆ£HeŌĆÖs dependable, takes good care of me, and he eats well.ŌĆØ Soon, Kim Jong Kook showed great interest by continuously asking, ŌĆ£When was your heart fluttered?ŌĆØ Moreover, Yang Se Chan and Kim Jong KookŌĆÖs bickering chemistry also grabbed attention. Yang Se Chan admitted that the membership fee he paid for Kim Jong KookŌĆÖs soccer club was not worth it. Angry at this, Kim Jong Kook immediately announced the news of Yang Se ChanŌĆÖs departure to the soccer club through a group chat, giving a big laugh. Afterwards, Yang Se Chan frankly added, ŌĆ£Actually, I find golf more interesting now.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1, 2)