On the 23rd, an anonymous user from Kim Seon HoŌĆśs fan community posted an article on the Korean internet forum Nate Pann supporting the actor. In the post, the user stated, ŌĆ£You were always there for us, and itŌĆÖs time for us to repay you. We will always be waiting for you no matter what, so take all the time you need to rest. But please stay healthy and safe and know that you are our light and hope.ŌĆØ

Many had mixed reactions to the letter. One user said, ŌĆ£He did not commit a crime, yet his career is over for something he did in the past with a woman. This situation should have never gotten this far.ŌĆØ The user added, ŌĆ£When it comes to a problem like this, we should hear from both sides.ŌĆØ On the other hand, most Korean internet users criticized Kim Seon Ho for what he did. One person pointed out, ŌĆ£He forced a woman to get an abortion for his own Āconvenience. Need I say more?ŌĆØ The other person commented, ŌĆ£No matter how hard you stan him, heŌĆÖs not coming back anytime soon. He used a woman for his pleasure without taking responsibility. I donŌĆÖt feel sorry for him ŌĆŌĆØ heŌĆÖs dug his own grave as far as IŌĆÖm concerned. ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Jung Munjeong: IŌĆÖll provide you with the latest articles on K-Drama, K-Pop and K-Movie as quickly as I can.

Kim Seon Ho s Aboration Scandal Sparks Mixed Reactions Among Internet Users - 33Kim Seon Ho s Aboration Scandal Sparks Mixed Reactions Among Internet Users - 36