In the interview followed by the photoshoot, Kim Woo Bin shared his thoughts on cherishing the present moments and appreciating little things in life. He stated, ŌĆ£I used to spend a lot of time meaninglessly. However, these days, I focus on living in the moment and try to open my heart up to others more. Whenever I call it a night, I think to myself, ŌĆśEven if I could go back to todayŌĆÖs morning, I canŌĆÖt think of anything IŌĆÖd change.ŌĆÖŌĆØ In addition, he remarked, ŌĆ£In a situation where I have to repeat the acting multiple times, I tend to focus on the feelings of that moment even more,ŌĆØ explaining how his changed mindset enabled him to change his interpretation of his characters at work. Kim Woo Bin said his most favorite expression is ŌĆ£thank youŌĆØ and revealed that he writes a daily journal about what heŌĆÖs thankful for. At some point, Kim Woo Bin has taken things a lot slower, and this new way of life has also influenced his acting career. He revealed, ŌĆ£In the past, I often said that I wanted to turn 40. To me, actors in their 40s looked very cool. Now, I like myself as I am. 33. ItŌĆÖs an age that isnŌĆÖt too young or too old, so I think itŌĆÖs a good age to get ready for a fresh start.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, Kim Woo BinŌĆÖs upcoming film Alien is waiting to release soon. Source (1) Translator Jung Munjeong: IŌĆÖll provide you with the latest articles on K-Drama, K-Pop and K-Movie as quickly as I can.

Kim Woo Bin Talks about Cherishing Present Moments and Appreciating Small Things in Life - 74Kim Woo Bin Talks about Cherishing Present Moments and Appreciating Small Things in Life - 54Kim Woo Bin Talks about Cherishing Present Moments and Appreciating Small Things in Life - 68