tvNŌĆÖs new Wednesday-Thursday drama Love in Contract revolves around Choi Sang Eun (Park Min Young), a professional wife-for-hire, who meets a new client named Kang Hae Jin (Kim Jae Young), who wants her for Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays while she is on a long-term contract with Jung Ji Ho (Ko Kyung Pyo) for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. ŌĆ£There was this freshness in the material, and I wanted to work with Director Nam Sung Woo,ŌĆØ Ko Kyung Pyo shared. ŌĆ£Also, I couldnŌĆÖt decline a chance to work with Park Min Young. I can give our chemistry a perfect score.ŌĆØ Jung Ji Ho, played by Ko Kyung Pyo, is a mysterious man whoŌĆÖs spent every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with his contract wife Choi Sang Eun for five years. Nothing about him, not even his job, hobby, or personality, is revealed. ŌĆ£Jung Ji HoŌĆÖs mystery wonŌĆÖt last very long,ŌĆØ the actor gave a brief spoiler. ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖll be revealed quite early in the story, and Jung Ji HoŌĆÖs charms will be shown. HeŌĆÖs not a very social person. The process of him changing after heŌĆÖs wavered by the emotion of love is attractive.ŌĆØ Ko Kyung Pyo explained that he and Jung Ji Ho are nothing alike. ŌĆ£I think itŌĆÖs my mission to express the characters written in texts in a way that viewers can empathize with. I wanted Jung Ji Ho to be a favorable person. And to do so, I went with a tidy, neat appearance.ŌĆØ He also talked about being Kim Jae YoungŌĆÖs rival for Park Min YoungŌĆÖs love. ŌĆ£We have so much fun filming,ŌĆØ he shared. ŌĆ£Kim Jae Young always gives off bright energy. HeŌĆÖs a considerate and kind person, so itŌĆÖs fun to be around him.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, Love in Contract will premiere on the 21st. Source (1)

Ko Kyung Pyo Is a Mysterious Man with a  Contract Wife  Only on Mon  Wed   Fri in  Love in Contract  - 30Ko Kyung Pyo Is a Mysterious Man with a  Contract Wife  Only on Mon  Wed   Fri in  Love in Contract  - 90