Through her label MIMI Entertainment, Koo Hye Sun delivered stories of her new album. Q1. Please introduce your new album ŌĆśBreath 4ŌĆÖ. Breath 4 is the fourth album by Koo Hye Sun of the New-Age ŌĆ£BreathŌĆØ series. ItŌĆÖs made under the theme of ŌĆ£life and deathŌĆØ and reinterprets my previous songs in an orchestral version. If the earlier version showcases lyrical pastel tone, the new version gives off a strong color like black. ┬Ā Q2. Reason why you reinterpreted existing songs. My K-pop songs were originally intended to be made into New-Age songs. But I added lyrics to popularize them at the time but returned them to the original state and reinterpreted them to express who I am right now. ┬Ā Q3. What motivation do you have to keep on writing songs? Music is influenced by emotions. The will to start a new life again and continue living so that I can somehow get the complex emotions and thoughts that arise from them out of my head seems to be the driving force. If these ups and downs stabilize someday, I might stop my work. ┬Ā Q4. Why did you choose ŌĆ£HappyŌĆØ as your title track? And please introduce the track. ŌĆ£HappyŌĆØ has many meanings. Previously, the thought of ŌĆ£am I happyŌĆØ meant to blame myself for the past with a question, ŌĆ£would I have been happy if I hadnŌĆÖt told you I loved you then?ŌĆØ But questions about ŌĆ£am I happyŌĆØ now came after my dog Soondae died. You know, like, ŌĆ£was he happy when he was with me?ŌĆØ or ŌĆ£when was he the happiest?ŌĆØ Oh, and I chose that as my title track because it had the best quality. Q5. What emotions in the album do you want people to sympathize with? What I felt after saying goodbye to my beloved family and pet was ŌĆ£Death is another beginning, so letŌĆÖs forgive death.ŌĆØ Since death is a continuation of life, I wanted to break down the boundaries between life and death and make peace. I hope those who have suffered the same pain as me will reconcile and forgive the boundaries through this music and take a rest. ┬Ā Q6. Many fans are waiting for actress Koo Hye Sun. I am preparing for a new film right now, and I might act it in. I donŌĆÖt know which will be prioritized, but I do wish to greet them again through dramas or movies. ┬Ā Q7. What are your future plans? For eight days from March 20, I am planning a video exhibition that combines my new-age songs and Seo TaijiŌĆÖs lyrics at the Seoul Arts Center. So I will be greeting people with an exhibition first. Source (1)

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