In the interview, he talked about ŌĆśAsk me anythingŌĆÖ on Instagram, which has become viral. Kwak Dong Yeon said, ŌĆ£I have a lot to catch up on when it comes to slang. I started replying with handwriting cause I didnŌĆÖt know how to input text. IŌĆÖll keep doing it since it seems more earnest and fans love it.ŌĆØ When asked if his sense of humor is an inborn quality, he replied, ŌĆ£My jokes were born from my career that started when I was very young.ŌĆØ He added, ŌĆ£For a long time, IŌĆÖve wanted to work in a fun and pleasant working environment. And as I grew older, I started to think that I also want to entertain my fans, not just the people around me. I think thatŌĆÖs why I developed my sense of humor,ŌĆØ When he heard that he gained so many older male fans, he got very excited and said heŌĆÖs happy about it. Kwak Dong Yeon, who became a rising star with his role on KBSŌĆÖs Love in the Moonlight, picked historical drama as a genre that he wants to try. He said, ŌĆ£I wanna do a historical drama, a period drama that requires me to perform lots of action scenes.ŌĆØ Then, he continued, ŌĆ£I havenŌĆÖt done any work where romance is at the center of. IŌĆÖve older now. I think I can do romance.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Na Young Gil: ZAPZEE is the best Korean pop culture community, and IŌĆÖm happy to be part of it.

Kwak Dong Yeon Shares How He Have Been Working Since He Was a Kid - 53Kwak Dong Yeon Shares How He Have Been Working Since He Was a Kid - 14