In the interview conducted afterward, Kazuha opened up, ŌĆ£(The photoshoot) was fun and interesting. IŌĆÖm still a little awkward in front of the cameras, but thanks to the experienced members, IŌĆÖm getting used to it quite quickly.ŌĆØ The idol then talked about the message in LE SSERAFIMŌĆśs latest smash ANTIFRAGILE, the behind-the-story of her debut documentary, the secret to her fluent Korean, and her future goals. ŌĆ£Trials and surprises are a part of the process of making who I am, so (the album) contains the story of how to face and overcome them,ŌĆØ she shared. The most memorable scene in LE SSERAFIMŌĆÖs debut documentary ŌĆ£LE SSERAFIM ŌĆō The World Is My OysterŌĆØ that Kazuha chose was when she was spotted crying. ŌĆ£It hasnŌĆÖt been long since I joined the team, so I was really nervous, but I could feel that the members and the teachers were all looking at me so warmly, so I felt choked up.ŌĆØ Kazuha also talked about the secret to learning Korean quickly. ŌĆ£The members created such a comfortable environment so I wouldnŌĆÖt be scared even if I made a mistake,ŌĆØ she said, giving a glimpse into LE SSERAFIMŌĆÖs close friendship. Lastly, she expressed her ambition, saying, ŌĆ£I have the desire to grow (as a singer) and perform on bigger stages. Also, I still have a lot of anxiety and worries because I want to do well, but one day, I hope I can go on stage full of confidence.ŌĆØ Source (1)