In the photoshoot, Lee Hyori showed off her charm as a ŌĆ£Jeju woman.ŌĆØ She shared that she feels the small happiness when she ŌĆ£returns home from practicing yoga and cooks dinner for her husband.ŌĆØ Lee also added living near nature and playing with her dogs on dirt roads to the list. Lee Hyori also mentioned her plans to become a mother. ŌĆ£I believe that we all came to this world ŌĆśto learn something.ŌĆÖ But I heard that parenting makes your mind learn the most. So I want to learn the sacrifices and efforts that only a mother can make,ŌĆØ she said.

Will Lee Hyo Ri make a comeback?

She has been fascinated with ceramics recently. Lee explained, ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs a special experience to make things that you want to express with your own hands. Since IŌĆÖve been into ceramics, IŌĆÖve been making dogs with clay and giving them to my friends as gifts.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£When Soonshim (Lee HyoriŌĆÖs dog) died, I was very sad. But I felt a little better when I ate the chocolates that designer Yoni sent me. It gave me comfort. I think thatŌĆÖs real presents,ŌĆØ she shared. ŌĆ£I think everyone is tired and angry since the COVID-19 has prolonged. Assaults against Asians, thatŌĆÖs a case in point. How can I soothe these angry peopleŌĆÖs minds? I think a lot about that. I want to comfort them with a smile or with a song.ŌĆØ A few weeks ago, Lee Hyori gifted the song ŌĆ£Good Night MY LOVEŌĆØ to Soyou. When will Lee Hyori comfort us with her voice? The artist answered, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm not the one to plan before doing something. If anyone offers me a good song or a chance like Refund Sisters, I will come back anytime.ŌĆØ Source (1, 2)

Lee Hyori Gives an Update on Her Life Through the New Pictorial and Interview - 85Lee Hyori Gives an Update on Her Life Through the New Pictorial and Interview - 18Lee Hyori Gives an Update on Her Life Through the New Pictorial and Interview - 12Lee Hyori Gives an Update on Her Life Through the New Pictorial and Interview - 94