According to hip-hop label MKIT RAIN, BLOO will release his new double single ŌĆśHey, Go smileŌĆÖ on July 23rd, 6:00 PM. The double single contains two songs, ŌĆ£When I smoke,ŌĆØ and ŌĆ£Let It Go.ŌĆØ His last release was in September 2019 with his EP album ŌĆśItŌĆÖs not Love IŌĆÖm just Drunk.ŌĆÖ Singer Lee Hyori recently sang his 2017 song ŌĆ£Downtown BabyŌĆØ on MBCŌĆÖs How Do You Play? Thanks to her, BLOO earned widespread attention and his song rose to the top of multiple music charts. Source (1)