Lee Je Hoon, who will be greeting audiences in the theaters with Collectors shortly after the release of Time to Hunt on Netflix, smiled with joy. ŌĆ£It seems like itŌĆÖs been a really long time since my movie was released in theaters. Time to Hunt postponed its release due to COVID-19 then ultimately was unveiled through the OTT platform. My heart is pounding at the thought of meeting the audience with Collectors. Nowadays, it is not easy for audiences to visit the theater, but there seems to be no place like the theater where they fully enjoy the cinematic fun.ŌĆØ In Collectors, Lee Je Hook played the role of Kang Dong Goo, a genius thief with a unique gut feeling and gift to find out where the relics are just by tasting the soil. ŌĆ£IŌĆÖve never played such a character before. HeŌĆÖs always excited, talkative, picky, and playful. Not only does Kang Dong Goo have dispositions as a fraud, but he is also sly and has unaffected attitudes, which is quite far from myself. I was worried about how to portray this character, but the script was so fun and exciting. I enjoyed every moment I was at the filming sites. The ensemble between the actors was great, and they (fellow actors) supported and trusted me. So I got to have a lot of fun.ŌĆØ Saying that Collectors changed his life, Lee Je Hoon showed his satisfaction. ŌĆ£I tend to listen to stories. I was the type to listen to the story and respond to it first, then add my own opinions at the end. But as I filmed Collectors, I was the one who talked and expressed my feelings. Whenever I would meet people, the gestures of wanting to lead them popped out. ThatŌĆÖs why I thought, ŌĆśI had this side, too.ŌĆÖ I barely talked when I was with seniors, but now, there has been a change in me that I join the conversations. And I am liking this change.ŌĆØ For the character, not only did Lee Je Hoon change his personality but also his appearance. ŌĆ£I once appeared in a historical drama with a beard. But putting on a beard for modern play was unthinkable, so it was hard for me to pluck up the courage to express it well. But the makeup artist encouraged me, saying, ŌĆśYou look good with the beard, so just go for it.ŌĆÖ If she hadnŌĆÖt said that, I wouldnŌĆÖt have grown a beard in a modern play. It was good to discover a new side. I wonder how the audience will see it.ŌĆØ Lastly, Lee Je Hoon said, ŌĆ£I hope you will try to see what kind of person Lee Je Hoon can change into in the future. I think there are a lot of images that I havenŌĆÖt tried yet. IŌĆÖm excited about what I will challenge next, and I hope to find a character that fits the project and sketch myself out.ŌĆØ Source (1)

Lee Je Hoon Shows Satisfaction in the Changes He Has Made While Working on  Collectors  - 28Lee Je Hoon Shows Satisfaction in the Changes He Has Made While Working on  Collectors  - 33Lee Je Hoon Shows Satisfaction in the Changes He Has Made While Working on  Collectors  - 94