The crew of the hit Netflix series Squid Game arrived in style at the red carpet event on the 13th ahead of the 74th Primetime Emmy Awards. The first one to stand on the red carpet was lead actor Lee Jung Jae. He appeared on the red carpet hand-in-hand with his girlfriend Lim Se Ryung, the vice-chairman of Daesang Group. The two were often spotted together at official overseas events of Squid Game, but this is the first time they publicly posed together in front of the media. The paparazzi photos of Lee Jung Jae and Lim Se Ryung hit the wire in January 2015, and soon, the two came public with their relationship. Lim Se Ryung is also well-known as the ex-wife of Lee Jae Yong, the vice chairman of Samsung Electronics. Meanwhile, Lee Jung Jae hit the jackpot at MondayŌĆÖs Emmy Awards, winning Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series, making history as the first Korean actor to ever win the Emmys. Source (1)

Lee Jung Jae Appears on the Emmys Red Carpet with His Girlfriend Lim Se Ryung - 69