In an episode that aired on the 16th, Lee Si Young and Oh Dae Hwan revealed their daily lives with the family and the manager. On this day, Lee Si Young set out to climb the Munsu Peak of Mount Bukhan to shoot for a hiking magazine. She is the first celebrity to be the cover model of a climbing magazine. ŌĆ£WeŌĆÖre going to take photos of her watching the sunrise from the top of the mountain,ŌĆØ explained Lee Si YoungŌĆÖs manager. As Lee Si Young left home as early as 4.30 a.m., she memorized the introductory remarks in the car to film a YouTube video and put on minimal amounts of makeup. She surprised everyone as she did 100 squats as a warm-up exercise before climbing the mountain. As a self-proclaimed idol of climbing, Lee Si Young started climbing the mountain at dawn. However, soon after, Lee Si Young and her managerŌĆÖs hair was frozen like icicles in the freezing weather which reached minus 10 degrees Celsius. Viewers felt bad for her as she completed her makeup while shivering in the cold. After the hard work, a legendary view was unraveled in front of them, which made the members of the show exclaim. Over the rocky ridge, a sunrise was set upon the city of Seoul. Lee Si Young created the best shot of her life with scenery that cannot even be made with graphics. The actress also revealed her house on the same day. The spacy and stylish interior of the house attracted attention. Her son, Jung Yoon, also made an appearance. Jung Yoon made everyone, including the showŌĆÖs staff members, smile with this bright smile which resembles Lee Si Young. ŌĆ£Jung Yoon always speaks so nicely, and heŌĆÖs adorable. HeŌĆÖs like a human vitamin,ŌĆØ the manager said. In particular, Jung Yoon had a very good vocabulary. ŌĆ£He started speaking early because he likes books. He mainly talks with the vocabulary he saw from the book,ŌĆØ Lee Si Young said. Lee Si Young showed her professional parenting, which was unexpected from someone with a ŌĆśgirl-crushŌĆÖ image. ┬Ā Source (1)

Lee Si Young Reveals Her Son  Husband  and Luxury House - 34Lee Si Young Reveals Her Son  Husband  and Luxury House - 83